I just finished watching the first episode (well, i skipped the boring scenes since SSH is still the mini-kid-version). It's interesting so far and very dramatically (what did you expect from a drama?)

Okaii, the first scene begins with the grown up SSH chasing a car with his gang on motorcycles and burns the car. He wants to kill the guy that's in the car which is apparently the one who killed his father.They're fighting but SSH didn't give him the final shot because he remember his dad told him to be good to everyone even your own enemy blabal...As SSH wants to leave the scene with his moto, a truck comes suddenly and hits SSH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........drama. Of course he's not dying i suppose!!

Tadada...dramatical music...

Now we're jumping back into 1981:
SSH 20 years younger played by some random new child actor welcomes his dad back from the coal mines.

Next scene,a pregnant nurse is being kidnapped and her stomach is being cut. A order from the man who made her pregnant.She lost the baby and the kidnappers let her off in a field in the middle of a raining night.

Also,SSH's mum and the guy-who-made-nurse-pregnant's wife is giving birth at the end of the episode.Mini SSH is visiting his brother:

They both gave birth to two little boys.The nurse who lost the baby comes back and works in the hospital. The bad guy comes to visit his baby and sees the nurse. The nurse wants to take revenge and kill the guy with a operating knife that is not made to cut!Cmon if you want to kill someone you have to choose a better tool. It's sooo drama ....Of course she fails miserably and decides to take revenge in another way. She goes to the baby's room and wants to suffocate the baby but decides not to. Now guess what would happen in a typical drama now. Two babies born on the same day *hint* *hint*. Right, she decides to exchanges the babies instead. SSS's little brother with the bad guy's baby.

So fazit:I hate watching episodes where you have to wait until the kids grow up, like in Fashion 70's. That's why I think I'll just skip to the most important scenes until SSH is to be seen. But it's alright so far.The exchanging the babies scene was so predictable 10 minutes before it happened when SSH's dad said "Is that really my son".

Now I let you with bonus caps from the preview for the next episodes!

SSH: Look at my hot muscles

Dennis Oh ohoho

Hugging from the back scene ; they're copying Autumn Tale!
All caps by me