Korean actor Im Ju Hwan sustained serious injuries during a car accident this morning, the 26th of August and will need to recuperate for 12 weeks. According to the details revealed by his agency, Im Ju Hwan was inside the car drove by his manager and the car collided with an incoming truck while they were rushing to the filming location of “Two Flowers Shop”, ssanghwajeom. Both Im Ju Hwan and his manager sustained heavy injuries as a result and their car was in an unrecognizable state after the crash.Both Im Ju Hwan and his manager are out of life danger at this moment; However Im Ju Hwan, who injured his cervical spine, is unable to move his limbs freely before he fully recovers. As a result, he is forced to drop the filming of “Two Flowers Shop” temporary. Im Ju Hwan and his manager are now undergoing treatment at a hospital near the scene of the accident but will be transferred to Seoul General Hospital for a more thorough checkup tomorrow.I really had quite a shock yet again after Lee Eon’s accident. Luckily Im Ju Hwan is alright. Rest well and hope he recovers soon.
Source: mydaily
Source : Star News by hanfever