Finally I'm having some time to catch up with EOE.I just finished watching episode 5 & 6 now. And yes finally, we see the grown Dong Chul as SSH but I have to admit that I'll miss the small Dong Chul aka Ki Bum. He's starting to grow on me and great news, he'll be in the Korean HYD!

So episode 5 continues with Dong Chul breaking out of the youth detention center with the gang.He gets enough money to pay the operation for his mother. However, his little brother Dong Wook gets kidnapped by the evil guy and he has no choice but to leave Korea in order to protect his family.

Arriving in Macau, Dong Chul works hard on a ship as a cleaner during the day and as a card dealer at a casino at night. He meets Dennis Oh aka Mike there. We SSH speaking english for the first time!I guarantee you won't be able to resist!Dennis' acting is far from being improved from what I can tell.But nevertheless always good as eye candy. Dong Chul learns that Dong Wook made it into law school at Seoul University as he promised to him.

Undershirt + messy hair + sweating = hotness
The always oh so Dashing Dennis Oh is making his playboy appearance.

Happy Birthday Dong Chul

Even his armpits are sexy *sigh*

Cute Ki Bum