Blog that deconstructs Korean dramas and pop culture by summarizing and analyzing drama episodes, scripts, and soundtracks.
Well there's subtitle for the first episode at D-addicts or you can watch the first two episodes here .
Episode 1 direct dl:
Episode 2 direct dl:
They Kiss again OST:
Insoon is pretty Description from http://world.kbs.co.kr/english/tv/program/program_01.htm?pg_code=141
Love is not judging.
Today is often refer to as the time of narcissism. Thanks to communication technology development such as Internet and liberal social, political conditions, people began to speak out. In the streets, they continuously talk on their mobile phones. Online, they run their own show on their blogs and personal webpages. They refuse to be in the backstage but step up as stars of their own show. Ironically, people feel alone because nobody listens but everybody is talking his or her own story.
“My injury is greater.” “My demand is more urgent.” “I am the nicest and loneliest.” “I had the hardest life.” However, nobody knows because there is no person available for listening. Everybody feels dejected. As there are more and more ways to communicate, people become more isolated. It is the tragedy of the narcissistic 21st century.
They want someone to say you are important, to accept themselves “as is” without judging and to listen. They want unconditional love.
Each and everyone things “I can’t love someone unconditionally, but I want someone to love me that way!” Therefore, there is no such person.
People are taunted by others’ opinion. “I need to get good grades, go to a good school, have a good job, live in good neighborhood, earn more money, be more fashionable and beautiful, lose weight, look younger, grab attention, and meet someone with all the right conditions.” The list is endless. When does it stop?
The only possible solution to this problem is to become an unconditionally loving person first. I have to love myself first and tell myself that it is okay not to be perfect. It is okay to fail. It’s okay to be ugly, but actually I’m not ugly. I’m beautiful and I’m doing fine.
Of course, it is not as easy as it looks. However, a person who can truly oneself will be able to love others. True communication becomes possible between people who know how to love themselves.
“Pretty Insun” is about loving oneself unconditionally and communicating with others heart to heart.
In the story, people who endless thirst for love and recognition will realize that true love does not exist anywhere but inside oneself. They will learn that the greatest, incomparable beauty reside in inner self.
Who can throw a stone at her?
A girl was abandoned by her mother at birth and grew up under her grandmother. She served a few years in prison for killing her school mate accidentally. People see a scarlet letter on her. She is the sinner to them. She has the worst background one can have.
However, when you think about it? Who is sinless? And, who would not have bad backgrounds in the eyes of the better-off? What is sin? Who can throw a stone at her? How can we become truly happy?
Director : Pyo Min-su Writer : Jeong Yu-gyeong