A well-known website of China did a poll named "Top ten handsome actors in Asia". Finally, Hero, the member of Korean boyband TVXQ, got the first place.

This poll has been organized on January with the joining of more than 40 millions people. Hero got 4.176.192 votes (about 10% total votes).

Dong Bang Shi Gi is the most favorite band in China, and among them Hero is called "Absolute beautiful man" (The perfect handsome man). Although TVXQ is working in Japan now, the Chinese audiences and communication are very interested in every movements of the band.

Rank number 2 in this poll is the actor and singer of F4 - Jerry Yan with 3.729.697 votes.

Number 3 is another member of TVXQ U-Know with 3.528.148 votes.
Number 4 belongs to the Japanese actor Kamenashi Kazuya.
Number 5 is U30 Taiwanese star Jimmy Lin.
Number 6 is another member of F4 - Vic Chou.
Number 7 is the Japanese star Yamashita Tomohisa.
Number 8 is the Chinese member of Super Junior- Han Kyung.
Number 9 is the star Joe Cheng.
And number 10 is Wu Chun - the most brilliant actor in 2007.
